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tv   ABC2 News Good Morning Maryland 5AM  ABC  October 3, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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sunrise and -- 7:04 sunrise. and a high of 55. almost 5 a.m. let's go to the road with tanya. >> reporter: poe clays hi -- pulaski highway is shut down because of an accident with injuries there. let's look at the beltway on the northwest side. this is a live look at 695 at old court road near 795. we have light traffic no delays and no issues as of yet. jfx at north avenue heading downtown southbound we have a few cars going down town and no accidents or incidents in your way. traveling 95 northbound and mountain road we have an accident on the right shoulder. charley. baltimore police shot an armed man in south baltimore and sherrie johnson joins us live with more on the developing story. sherrie, this happened around 9:00 last night, right? >> reporter: that's exactly right. and you know what, this morning,authorities with the baltimore city police department are investigating that shooting and at last report the man that was shot
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was reported to be in critical condition. this all happened sunday night in the 3600 block of st. victor street in south baltimore. police got a call of an armed person in the home and the caller feared for their safety. when police arrived at the home, they say they found an adult male between 40 and 50 years old with a weapon. >> individuals holding a weapon officers entered the house asking individual to drop the weapon numerous times and he didn't comply with the officers commands and turned towards the officers with the weapon and one officer fired at least one defensive shot. >> reporter: now again that victim was taken to johns hopkins bayview medical center where at last was in critical condition. no one else in the home or officers were injured in that shooting. now we are told that the homicide detectives are investigating this which is standard procedure in a police involved shooting. reporting live at city police headquarters, sherrie johnson, abc2 news. jury selection begins in
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the trial of a man accused of killing a fellow patient at a mental hospital. known as salene taylor is charged with the murder of susan sacks in jess op. he is entering the room not long before the bed check. that's when he allegedly strangled her with a string. police made an arrest in the fire that destroyed an auto repair and tire shop. they are charging jason hicks with arson. the fire started monday afternoon at belvedere tire company and burned through a two-story building in northwest baltimore. tires created a huge plume of black smoke that could be seen as far away as reisterstown and could be seen in parts of howard county. two men are recovering after a double shooting that sent both of them to the hospital. juan brown and james wilson were shot friday morning at the animal oaks apartment. police don't believe it was random and witnesses are reporting hearing arguments between the two men and another person last week at the scene
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of the shooting. news time 5:02 and this morning, we are hearing from a family of a catonsville man that died after eating tainted canteloupe. clarence well-being died and his family is filing a lawsuit. corinne redman is standing by with the latest. what is the family saying. >> reporter: he was admitted to the hospital six days later he died. test results came back to show that his infection was caused by listeria. public health officials told the family listeria was found in the system and it matched the same dna as the strain on the bad canteloupes and clarence wells is one of 15 people to die from the fruit shipped from jensen -- jensen farms. >> it's an enormous hole. it's the first couple wiex couldn't sit at the table and have -- weeks i couldn't sit at the table and have breakfast
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because he wasn't sitting there. riledy hard. >> reporter: now the family has hired a seattle based attorney suing jensen farms on their behalf. corinne redman, abc2 news. there's some school zoos where you need to be more cautious. four schools have speed cameras. including perry hall high and eastern tech high and catonsville high and middle river middle school. for the first month the cameras will be warning speeders through noticing. s in the mail. -- notices in the mail. after 30 days the enforcement kicks in. the u.s. supreme court begins a new term and they will review the constitutionality of the health care reform law. the obama administration asked the highest court to rule on that for a patient protection and affordable care act. the health care signed into law last year. you may have referred to it as obama care. lawsuits brought by 28 states including maryland and dozens
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of individuals and groups are now challenging the federal government's right to require people to buy health care and health insurance to keep -- the key provision that exist in the law. >> politics of health care aside, this is the central issue that could change the way the government and people interact going forward in our country. >> keep in mind the u.s. supreme court takes about 1 out of 10 of the cases it is petitioned to review. justices have yet to decide whether they will take on the health care overhaul. six supreme court justices attended the red mass sunday at st. matthew the apostle in washington which is celebrated to mark the beginning of the supreme court term each year. it began in 1950s with a catholic group of lawyers and professional celebrating the legal profession critics says it's wrong to for leading legal
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members to attend. on face the naming governor o'malley said governor christiewould bring entertainment val you but little substance to the presidential race and he has struggled to create jobs in new jersey's bond rating has been downgraded and schools slipped in national rearchging. the new jersey governor resisted running but those close to him say he is reconsidering the decision. news time 5:06. a switch to scores. -- reconsidering the decision. time now is 5:06. you imine to sense baltimore is getting a team identity and it's not looking good for the opposition. sunday night it was mark sanchez in the jets in town at the bank and ray lewis and the ravens d anything but gracious host. the defense made history on the night accounting for three touchdowns in three turnovers in route to a 34-17 win. >> i do this something is special with the defense and team. there's a spirit on the team
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hard to describe i wish i could put it in words by saw it the first day they came back. i couldn't be more proud of the team. you know. you do or you don't and those guys did it tonight. >> all things being equal joe flacco and offense had one of the worst nights. a little down but you have to give the jets credit. flacco threw for 155 yards on 10 of 31 passing and ray rice and williams carried the load with 110 yard on the ground. but the night belonged to the purple and black monster that is the baltimore defense. time to get healthy going into bye week and two weeks the texans come calling. who doesn't want more money? ahead this morning, there's some hidden ways to earn extra bucks and in some cases you don't have to get off your couch to do it. and it's called an alternative schedule. despite what doctors recommend more and more patients are taking part. ahead, we will explain what that is and why some doctors don't like it. you are watching "good morning
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maryland." what's new, now and next. everything you need to get your workweek started off right. [ female announcer ] having grands! biscuits in the morning is easy. just pop 'em in... then go about your business... and in just 15 minutes, your family can enjoy warm fresh from the oven biscuits. grands! warm ideas made easy. ♪ start your morning a whole new way! ♪ ♪ pillsbury grands! biscuits ♪ filled with breakfast ingredients ♪ ♪ ready in minutes! ♪ you gotta taste...mmmm a brand new morning ♪ [ female announcer ] new pillsbury grands! biscuit sandwiches.
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♪ $5 ♪ $5 footlong ♪ any, anytober ♪ you ca-ca can't go wrong [ male announcer ] october's now anytober! any regular footlong's a $5 footlong! any, startin' at 7am! even the italian b.m.t. melt and steak & cheese. subway. eat fresh... all day long.
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now "good morning maryland." the time is 5:10. it is a difficult economy and everybody is trying to save anyway they can. also make a little extra money megan prink hole is working from -- pringle who is work from home has wacky ways people are making and saving money. you are not -- you haven't resorted to any of these yet have you? >> no i was talking to you during the commercial break and i am busy reading baby books. but if you are looking to make a few extra bucks this is a great way to do it. we should tell you this is not going to take over your mortgage payment or take care of your car payment but aid great way to make extra-- but it's a great way to make extra bucks. they are easy ways to make money. we follow a guy around who goes to garage sales and basically makes his money by buying things there and reselling them at a higher price e makes a couple bucks there. another way to do it if you
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don't feel like being that ambitious. everybody has to go grocery shopping. neilsen the company that traction tv ratings want to know what you are buying at the grocery store. they are willing to send you a bar code and take the bar code and scan what you buy at the grocery store and send it back and they pay you for that. they are interested in knowing what you are buying at the store. so if you don't mind sharing that information, make a few bucks on it. and there are easier ways to make money. for example, you don't have toleave your couch. rate music and that you won't make as much but you can make a few extra bucks and that's what people are looking to do. so for the easier way, most of the time you need is a computer or your own smart phone. but they are not bad ideas. if you are looking for something like that, if interested in hearing more, we will have acomplete report tonight at 11 after castle. check it out wacky ways to make money. i am working from home but still for you. so i will explain how all of that is done and we will give
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you a couple websites to check it out and try for yourself. >> about ten years ago secret shoppers were a big thing and people were going into like a local hot spot or coffee shop and unbeknownst to the baristas they were rating them are people doing it? >> they are but it's done from your home. you can do it through a computer or with your iphone. another way i thought was interesting is a company that will pay you to help come up with names for things. so, it's not as sort of undercover as secret shopping but it's a way to make anywhere from doing that from 50 to $500. so, it's not a bad income if youcan especially 500 bucks who couldn't use that right now? >> no doubt about that. quickly before we go to weather with justin how was the weekend? anything develop or anything on the baby front? >> just getting bigger and bigger and bigger. >> you are not that big. you are not. >> yes. i am. but it's keeping me warm. because it's been cold lately. how's that for a toss to
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weather. >> let's go to weather. megan we will check in in the 6:00 hour. >> see you then. >> justin going to weather. show called it, it was cold this weekend. >> on that note i am not sure if you saw this but snowshoe, west virginia, i will be scattering pictures throughout the morning. the floor director is loving this because he is not there. by wait if you want to pay me to name this, i will call it a slice of heaven. >> awesomeness. >> awesomeness. they are up at 4884 feet and 6 inches of snow on the ground. snowshoe, west virginia. they are getting snow this morning. they had snow in oakland and deep creek lake but at 34 not having a chance to stick. we are at 44 and so is ocean city. the cold air down to the coast. colder here than in new england this morning as the core of the cold air you can see it wrapping around the upper level systemright there on top maryland. see the perching shadeings those are snow showers but the rain showers is what pulls east
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andlocks it back in with the cloud. cloud make their return and most of us mid-40s and official sunrise at 7:04. we will hole temperatures down and should be close to 70. -- hold temperatures down. whoa should be to 70 and we will only make it to 55. it's 5:15 back to the road and tanya. >> reporter: we have a broken down car 95 northbound at 395. also an accident in white marsh at the beltway so. be aware of that. pret pretty light traffic. let's look at the live traffic cameras. this is the beltway at frederick. light traffic in both directions but nothing to worry about making your way through catonsville. jfx and northern parkway we have light traffic building in both directions. no issues reported between the beltway and fayette street. charley. health news this morning, it appears the majority of parents are now getting their children vaccinated but many are following the schedule and
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they are not doing it. the government recommends by the age 6 kids should be vaccinated against 14 diseases and at least two doses a study found 1 in 10 parents are using an alternative vaccination schedule. doctors say there's one recommended schedule for everyone. researchers say using a different schedule associated with not having regular health care providers for the child. >> to wait to vaccinate on a so- called alternative schedule putting your child at risk and you're hoping that everybody else has immunized their child. >> experts say scientists all over the world have determined when the vaccines work best and that's when kids need to get the most protection. how long do you want to be married? maybe two years. just ahead, what we are considering a area in one country now considering putting a time stamp on nuptials. we will explain and is this a fair competition? bear versus monkey. we will look at a unique animal
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talent show. you are watching "good morning maryland" bringing outlatest news, weather and trophic and what -- traffic and what you need to get your workweek started off right. [ female announcer ] at, you can choose your channel package.
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now "good morning maryland." 5:19. washington monument has been closed to the public since the earthquake in august. as you can see, quite a spectacle justin. look at this from the weekend. that's the rainbow over the washington monument. i would love to toss to justin now and ask the simple question. what does it mean. >> we had double rainbows annapolis. a front came through and knocked that warm weather out of here. that friday afternoon. it flaredp along the coast and some of you got -- flapped flared up along the coast -- flared up along the coast. and we all settled back into the cold temperatures and right now, i did fact checking here. this isly jet. 39 in ellicott city. 39 in hereford and that comes with a mixture of clouds and clear skies. but the cloud are making a return. so when you have clear skies overnight and heat to escape back to space you cloud it back
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over and you locket cool air in and that's what we have. 42 aberdeen and towson and annapolis 44 and easton and 43 denton on the eastern shore. matching the mark in westminster. not much variation. it's all in response to this upper-level low just sitting and spinning. right there. you see that? it's regenerating rain back into the mountains. also down across virginia and the general movement around this will take this band and try to shove it across the bay. chilly this morning and we are locked in with the clouds and there will be some rain showers making a return. so it's going to be lamb repeat of what we have had over the -- will be almost a repeat of what we have had over the end. so plan accordingly i don't think the kids will wear shorts on the bus back to school. we cleared up by wednesday. by the way, the end of the week may come with virtually no cloud cover. and a nice warmup. 55 clouding up again with showers and tonight we are back down into the 40s and quick peek at the rest of the week. highs tomorrow covering a little to 66 and 70 wednesday
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and thumbs up for our 5 a.m. moore director young tim. we are in the low -- our floor director young tim. >> reporter: 59 northbound at 159 mountain road is clearing out of the way. let's look live at our traffic cameras on the northwest side. this is the beltway at old court road. near 795, we have traffic building in both directions but no issues or incidents. outer loop is heavier than the inner loop. jfx at coldspring is moving well towards downtown. that's oncoming traffic. no issues on your way towards fayette street. charley. >> apparently, a big fan of photo since sis. photo synthesis. >> mexico considering temporary marriages. yeah. it's proposed ordinance in mexico city allowing engaged
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couples to decide how long they want to remain married. more traditional couples can choose that until death do us part but those who don't expect to stay married for ever can set a end day of at least two years. young tim giving it a thumbs up. it's designed to reduce the painful and costly divorces by letting marriages end easily and outlining child custody and property agreements beforehand. the catholic church says it is filing an appeal on the idea. check this out an animal talent show in china a bear versus monkey. they competed to see who had the most skill a monkey was better at raising the flag on a pole. and according to the keeper, he's undergone training to achieve at present level. flag raising is not the bear's forte but did he come back to beat the monkey in the cycling and roller-skating and that bear will be awesome on a unicycle. entering the third week and they say they are nowhere nearslowing down the protest on
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wall street. now they say the movement is growing to other u.s. cities. and almost 15 years streak comes to an end. why tiger woods is not nearly as dominant as he once was. you are watching "good morning maryland" what new now and next on this monday morning. it's 5:23. [ mom ] hey guys.
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guys... [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls with cinnabon cinnamon are an irresistible sunday morning idea. nothing calls them to the table faster. sunday morning ideas made easy. [ female announcer ] having grands! biscis easy.the morning just pop 'em in... then go about your business... and in just 15 minutes, your family can enjoy warm fresh from the oven biscuits. grands! warm ideas made easy.
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now "good morning maryland." >> 5:26. new york police arrested # 00 protesters -- 700 protesters saturday who said they were demonstrating gns the nation's financial system. -- against the nation's financial system. >> they used bull horns to warn them to stay off the brooklyn bridge. when the crowd moved on to the bridge, police followed through and arrested 700 of them. protesters held signs bang drums and chanted as police moved n those arrested were all released with tickets. tiger woods was once the maim in golf. and now he is no longer considered one of the golf's 50 best players. the streak comes to an end after a 15-year run. the 35-year-old woods entered the weekend in the 50th best
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player but he played well enough in scotland to earn that place in the standings and bumped tiger off the list. updated ranking comes out today for the first time in 778 weeks woods won't be on it. he is trying to make a come back getting ready for the president's cup as a pick from freddie's couple and fry' open in california. police are investigating a serious crash in pennsylvania. and they know who was behind the wheel. they can't figure out why. we will take a look. and inviedible video of a big celebration event. just aid head -- just ahead, the wall of fire marking the 100 years of naval aviation. now up to new york for a check of this morning's tech bites. >> reporter: in today's tech bites anticipation is ed bying with the iphone 5 expected out tuesday. some reports put the price at 199 dollars. we still doesn't know a lot about the new phone including what flashy new features apple
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may include. it's expected to be thin and lighter than the iphone 4 and include a 8 mega pixal camera and access to 4g network. surprising news about kindle fire tablet there rae reports that the device retailing for $199 actually cost almost # 10 to manufacture -- $210 to half. -- manufacture. google maps introduced a feature to help you plan the next road trip. 3d preview feature known as helicopter view provide an aerial view along the route. it lets you sight see from the comfort of your home. those ruer tech bites. i am tanyary vair -- those are your tech bites. i am tanya rivero.


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